Some of the strangest weapons of the history

The Krummlauf Curved Rifle

Throughout history, humans have shown an incredible propensity for innovation, even in the realm of weaponry. From the peculiar to the downright impractical, there have been some truly strange weapons that have left their mark on the annals of history. Join us as we delve into the world of eccentric armaments and explore some of the strangest weapons ever devised.

The Krummlauf Curved Rifle

The Krummlauf (German for “curved barrel”) was a bent barrel attachment for the Sturmgewehr 44 (StG 44) rifle developed by Germany in World War II. The curved barrel included a periscope sighting device for shooting around corners from a safe position. The Krummlauf was designed to allow German soldiers to fire around corners without exposing themselves to enemy fire. The curved barrel was angled at 30 or 45 degrees, and the periscope sighting device allowed the soldier to see around the corner without having to lean out.

The Krummlauf Curved Rifle
The Krummlauf Curved Rifle

Airborne laser weapons

These aircraft are equipped with lasers that can be used to destroy enemy targets, such as missiles, drones, or even aircraft. The most well-known example of an airborne laser weapon is the Boeing YAL-1 Airborne Laser, which was developed by the United States in the early 2000s. However, the YAL-1 was ultimately canceled in 2011 due to cost overruns and technical difficulties.

The Laser Plane
The Laser Plane

Le Petit Protector Gun Ring

The Le Petit Protector Gun Ring is a small, concealed weapon that is worn on the finger like a ring. It is a 5-shot pinfire revolver that is powered by small, 4mm pinfire cartridges. The ring is made of metal and has a small, hinged cylinder that holds the cartridges. The cylinder is rotated by hand to chamber the next round.
Le Petit Protector Gun Ring
Le Petit Protector Gun Ring

The Harmonica Gun

The harmonica gun, also known as the slide gun, is a type of firearm that was invented in the 19th century. It is a breech-loading gun that has a magazine that resembles a harmonica. The user would simply push the magazine from right to left after each shot, and the next round would be chambered.

The harmonica gun
The harmonica gun

Vespa 150 TAP

The Vespa 150 TAP (Truppe Aéroportée, or “Airborne Troops”) was an anti-tank scooter made in the 1950s from a Vespa scooter for use with French paratroops.

Vespa 150 TAP
Vespa 150 TAP

The Schwerer Gustav

The Schwerer Gustav (English: Heavy Gustav) was a German 80-centimetre (31.5 in) railway gun. It was developed in the late 1930s by Krupp in Rügenwalde as siege artillery for the explicit purpose of destroying the main forts of the French Maginot Line, the strongest fortifications in existence at the time.

The Schwerer Gustav
The Schwerer Gustav

V-3 cannon

The V-3 (German: Vergeltungswaffe 3, “Vengeance Weapon 3”) was a German World War II large-caliber gun working on the multi-charge principle whereby secondary propellant charges are fired to add velocity to a projectile, built in tunnels and permanently aimed at London, England.



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