The 7 Strangest Unfinished Buildings in the World

The Sagrada Família

There are many unfinished buildings around the world, for a variety of reasons. Some were abandoned due to financial problems, while others were halted due to political or social unrest. Still others were simply never completed because the architect’s vision was too ambitious, in this article we will show you some of the strangest unfinished buildings.

Monumento Buzludja

Monumento Buzludja
Monumento Buzludja

The Monumento Buzludja is a large, unfinished concrete structure located in Bulgaria. It was built in 1981 to commemorate the events of 1891, when a group of socialists led by Dimitar Blagoev assembled secretly in the area to form an organized socialist movement that led to the founding of the Bulgarian Social Democratic Party, a forerunner of the Bulgarian Communist Party.

The Ryugyong Hotel

The Ryugyong Hotel
The Ryugyong Hotel

The Ryugyong Hotel is an unfinished 105-story, 330-meter-tall (1,080 ft) pyramid-shaped skyscraper in Pyongyang, North Korea. Its name (“capital of willows”) is also one of the historical names for Pyongyang. The building has been planned as a mixed-use development, which would include a hotel.

The Sutyagin House 

The Sutyagin House
The Sutyagin House

The Sutyagin House was a wooden house in Arkhangelsk, Russia. It was built by Nikolai Sutyagin, a local businessman, over a period of 15 years from 1992 to 2008.

  • The house was 13 stories tall and 44 meters (144 feet) high, making it the tallest wooden house in the world.
  • The house was built without formal plans or a building permit, and it was made of untreated wood, which made it a fire hazard.
  • In 2008, the city of Arkhangelsk ordered the house to be demolished due to safety concerns.
  • The house was demolished in 2008, and the ruins were later burned down in a fire in 2012

Sanzhi UFO houses

Sanzhi UFO houses
Sanzhi UFO houses

The Sanzhi UFO houses, also known as the UFO houses of Sanjhih, Sanjhih pod houses or Sanjhih Pod City, are a set of abandoned and never-completed pod-shaped buildings in Sanzhi District, New Taipei, Taiwan. The buildings resemble Futuro houses, some examples of which can be found elsewhere in Taiwan. The site where the buildings are located was owned by Hung Kuo Group.

Construction of the Sanzhi UFO houses began in 1978. They were intended as a vacation resort in a part of the northern coast adjacent to Tamsui, and were marketed towards U.S. military officers coming from their East Asian postings. However, the project was abandoned in 1980 due to investment losses and several car accident deaths and suicides during construction.

Burj Al Babas

Burj Al Babas
Burj Al Babas
Burj Al Babas
Burj Al Babas

Burj Al Babas is an unfinished residential development located near Mudurnu, Turkey. It consists of 732 nearly identical houses, each designed to resemble a miniature castle. The site was developed by Sarot Group, and construction began in 2014. However, the project was halted in 2018 due to financial problems and the developer filing for bankruptcy.

The project was originally intended to be a luxury real estate development, with the houses selling for between $370,000 and $500,000. However, the economic downturn in Turkey and the developer’s financial problems led to the project being abandoned.

The Sagrada Família

The Sagrada Família

The Sagrada Família

The Sagrada Família
The Sagrada Família

The Palace of the Winds

The Palace of the Winds

The Palace of the Winds

The Palace of the Winds
The Palace of the Winds

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