Unusual borders between countries

Netherlands and Belgium borders at Baarle-Nassau 

Borders are the lines that separate nations, marking the extent of their sovereignty. While most international borders follow geographical features or historical events, there are some that defy conventional norms and stand out as unique and intriguing. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most unusual borders between countries around the world.

Sweden and Finland

Despite the strangeness of the border, Sweden and Finland have always had a good relationship. The two countries have agreed to share ownership of several islands in the Åland archipelago, and they have worked together to develop the region. Märket is a textbook example of international cooperation and agreement. It is a reminder that even when borders are complex, it is possible for countries to work together for the common good.

Sweden and Finland borders in Märket Island.
Sweden and Finland borders in Märket Island.

Netherlands and Belgium borders at Baarle-Nassau 

he Netherlands and Belgium borders at Baarle-Nassau are a very complex and unusual border. The town of Baarle-Nassau is divided into two parts, one part is in the Netherlands and the other part is in Belgium. The border between the two parts of the town is very convoluted, with over 200 enclaves and exclaves.

Netherlands and Belgium borders at Baarle-Nassau 
Netherlands and Belgium borders at Baarle-Nassau

Border Between India & Bangladesh Near Haldibari

The border between India and Bangladesh near Haldibari is known for its unusual shape. The border is made up of a series of small, interconnected enclaves, which are areas of one country that are surrounded by another country.The border near Haldibari is a reminder of the complex history of the region. The enclaves are a result of the arbitrary way in which borders were drawn during the British Raj. However, the border is also a symbol of cooperation between India and Bangladesh. The two countries have worked together to manage the border, and they have allowed people to move freely between the enclaves.

Border Between India & Bangladesh Near Haldibari
Border Between India & Bangladesh Near Haldibari

Gambia’s Border as Defined by the Gambia River

The border between Gambia and Senegal is a reminder of the complex history of the region. The Gambia River has been a major trade route for centuries, and the border between the two countries has been redrawn several times over the years. However, the border is now relatively stable, and it is a symbol of the cooperation between Gambia and Senegal.

Gambia's Border as Defined by the Gambia River
Gambia’s Border as Defined by the Gambia River

Strange Border Between Austria and Germany around Jungholz

The strange border between Austria and Germany around Jungholz is known as the Jungholz exclaves. It is a diamond-shaped enclave that is entirely surrounded by Germany, but is still considered to be part of Austria. The exclaves are connected to the rest of Austria by a narrow strip of land that is only about 1 meter wide.

Border Between Austria and Germany around Jungholz
Border Between Austria and Germany around Jungholz

Exclaves of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in Kyrgyzstan

The exclaves of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in Kyrgyzstan are a result of the complex history of the region. The borders between the three countries were drawn in the early 20th century, and they were based on historical and ethnic factors. However, the borders were not always drawn in a logical way, and this has led to the creation of exclaves.

There are four Uzbek exclaves in Kyrgyzstan, and two Tajik exclaves in Kyrgyzstan. The Uzbek exclaves are:Sokh,Shohimardon,Jani-Ayil,and Chorku. The Tajik exclaves are:Vorukh and Qalacha.

Exclaves of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in Kyrgyzstan
Exclaves of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in Kyrgyzstan

 Brunei and its Strange Border with Malaysia

Brunei is a small country located on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. It is surrounded by Malaysia on all sides, except for its coastline on the South China Sea.The complex border between Brunei and Malaysia is a result of the complex history of the region. The area was once part of the Sultanate of Brunei, but it was divided up between Brunei and Malaysia after the British left the region in 1984.

 Brunei and its Strange Border with Malaysia
Brunei and its Strange Border with Malaysia

Here is a map of most of unusual borders over the world

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