The apocalypse would occur in the year 2060

newton and the apocalypse

Isaac Newton was a brilliant scientist and mathematician, but he was also fascinated by alchemy and theology. He believed that the world was created by God and that it would eventually end in a fiery apocalypse.

Newton’s prediction for the end of life on Earth was based on his interpretation of the Book of Daniel in the Bible. He believed that the world would last for 6,000 years, and that the apocalypse would occur in the year 2060.

Isaac Newton
Book of Daniel
Book of Daniel

Newton’s prediction was based on a number of factors, including his belief that the world was created in 4004 BC. He also believed that the Bible predicted that there would be a series of wars and plagues leading up to the apocalypse.

Newton’s prediction for the end of life on Earth has not come to pass, but it is still a fascinating example of his thinking about the nature of the universe. His belief that the world was created by God and that it would eventually end in a fiery apocalypse was shared by many people in his time, and it continues to be a belief held by some people today.


It is important to note that Newton’s prediction was based on his interpretation of the Bible, and not on any scientific evidence. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that the world will end in 2060, or at any other time.

However, Newton’s prediction is still a reminder of the fact that humans have been fascinated by the end of the world for centuries. It is a topic that has been explored in literature, art, and film, and it continues to be a source of speculation and debate.

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